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Default Splitting MP3 files for smaller size?

Doug Freyburger writes:

I have been downloading public domain audio files from and
a few are too big for me to convert to CD audio for burning as a regular
CDROM for use in my car.

My cheap MP3 player that I use for when the gym is not so loud only
knows how to restart at the beginning of a "song". With 30 minute
workouts I'd really like all of my audio book files to be under 15

In both cases I want a why to split existing MP3 files by time or size.
It does not matter to me if they cut in the middle of a word because the
players move on to the next track immediately so my worse case is a word
with a skip in it several times per hour. At the gym resetting back as
much as 15 minutes still lets me progress through my "reading" on days
it's comparatively quite.

My have downloaded Audacity as suggested by the call for volunteers at Using it it appears I can split files by hand but I've
got dozens of tracks just in my most recent download.

I would really like a scriptable method to split files automatically.
Maybe go through all of the *.mp3 files in "stuff". Any that are under
10 minutes move to "otherstuff". Any that are over 15 minutes split
into numbered versions in "otherstuff".

Does anyone know of a tool that I can use to this end?
mentioned here

mp3splt -t 15.0 bigfile.mp3

would be the commandline I think to split into 15 minute chunks. You
wouldn't have to use the GUI if you didn't want to I imagine. If you
don't need the GUI, you wouldn't need mp3splt-gtk.

It's available for Windows, mac, and linux it