Thread: Zoom H6
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Neil Gould Neil Gould is offline
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Default Zoom H6

Gary Eickmeier wrote:
"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message

But, you're doing precisely what is friend is doing: making
recordings without
a standardized reference.

OK, as I just told George, I have made the statement a few times here
and elsewhere that it ain't a recording until it gets played back,
and you can't tell what someone else that you send it to will hear on
it. This could open up a whole nuther side discussion, describing the
sound of a recording or the sound of some particular system.

Gary, I think you may be missing the point. Monitoring for recording has one
objective, ergo there are speakers that are optimized for that process.
Monitoring for mastering (e.g. your concept of "playback") has another.
Those with a lot of experience can extrapolate what they hear on the
recording monitors to get very close prior to mastering, because they know
what the mics they've chosen, placement they've used, etc. will deliver. In
the days of tape machines, you can add tape formulations, machine quirks,
etc. into that process.

I suspect that it is that level of experience that others have suggested
that you have yet to acquire.

best regards,
