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Scott Dorsey Scott Dorsey is offline
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Default Coiling medium/short cables.cables?

Jay Ts wrote:
Arny Krueger wrote:
"Steve Parker" wrote
There are people who I will not hire because they could not break
themselves of the habit of elbow wrapping.

I wonder if anyone has done a study of how long proper coiling extends
a cables life. I have some mic cables that are over 20 years old. They
still work fine.

Not to be contrary, but I have cables that might be over 50 years old,
ere used very haphazardly, and they are still fine, just getting a
little stiff. ;-)

I don't doubt it, but weren't they using much tougher construction
then? Like maybe braided copper wire for the shield, and not thin metal

You can buy cable like that today. You will have to pay more money than
for crap, but it's worth the money.

I'd like to see a study too. Maybe someone could make a machine that
stretches a length of cable, then twists it one direction, then the
other, for a torture test. Then compare its electrical properties before
and after - capacitance, resistance, inductance, and especially, the
ability of the shield to keep noise levels low.

Belden has done all of this stuff. If you ask Steve Lampen, he'll send
you all kinds of propaganda.

I'd also like to see the results of a "run over by casters" test.

I don't know, but I _do_ know that the served shield that msot of the Mogami
cables use can be damaged very badly by rolling a piano over the cable.
The braid shields seem okay.
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