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Greg Wormald[_2_] Greg Wormald[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Surround speaker mounting

I've tried a number of 'surround sound' systems over the last 40 years
and the only ones that made the sound better were specifically designed
for SQ4 and the like, and it wasn't enough better to make me want to
keep the system going.

I've had a Hafler set-up a number of times, and included L-pads to
control the volume of the rear speakers--but that is all long gone in
preference to 2 channel stereo.

One problem I foresee with your set-up is the seating area being too
close to the wall. This is a trap for unwary players and often gives
problems with imaging and makes a spacious sound very difficult.

I know it's a pain, but my recommendation would be to try and re-arrange
the room and get both the speakers and the listening position away from
walls. Try a number of different arrangements. You might have a try at
"live end--dead end" styles to see whether that gives you the sound you

Lots of people like "near field" listening, too, although its not for me.

Good luck.
