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BretLudwig BretLudwig is offline
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Default Nationalists Knock Out Reds in Hamburg

Nationalists Knock Out Reds in Hamburg

Violence from the Left

"Europe's "antifa" leftwingers are especially powerful, working as they

often do with the active collaboration of the government to attack
dissidents opposed to the corporate and special interest open borders
agenda. Occasionally these clowns need to be taught a lesson, as seen in
this video, which shows nationalists chasing down a contingent of violent
leftist thugs in Hamburg. One of those nursing bruises today is a leading
leftist bully and goon.

Some 6600 leftist/anarchist/"antifa" counter-protesters staged a violent
"response" to a 1500 person strong, peaceful nationalist march marking May
Day, the workers' holiday in Hamburg. The anarchists barricaded streets,
set fires, attacked shops breaking windows, smashed windshields of cars,
burned police cars and staged a pitched battle in a cafe.

Police arrested 56 leftists/anarchists and detained 227 others. The
leftists' spokesmen stated that their violence was carefully planned and
intended as a provocation on May Day.

These vicious thugs are mainly "lumpenproletarian" drug addicts and
homeless people, but some leftist ideological literates are also involved,
encouraging the violence. This is largely an act of desperation as the left
watches its white working class base desert to nationalism all across the

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