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Scott Dorsey
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donaldjcecil wrote:
Scott Dorsey wrote:
donaldjcecil wrote:

I am thinking on getting a 64-bit Intel chip. Any prerequisites I should
know about? Do I need a special configuration/software/etc..I will
mostly be running Reason and Cubase, and I think I will be getting an
m-audio fireware sound system.

This seems like a bad idea. The Itanium runs like a slug in 32-bit mode,
and none of those applications will run in native 64-bit mode.

i have always heard its not best to be on the forefront of technology.
sounds like i should follow that advice.

No, it's fine to be on the forefront of technology if you're trying to
do something that requires being there. Spending $8k on an Itanium
machine to run your applications slower than a 486-50 would, though,
seems like a bad match between application and system.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."