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Richard Crowley
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njrealtor wrote ...
I can't figure this one out. Granted I am not the most techincal
person, but it still doesn't make sense.
I ripped a song from a CD and saved it (stereo). I edited the song
down, saved it again. I close Cool Edit and when I re-open the file,
is the unedited version but in mono. When I open the same file through
RealPlayer it plays as the edited version! I have worked with CE2000
for basic stuff like this for years and never had a problem. Am I
missing something here?! It's driving me crazy because I want to make
more changes to the file and can't.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Might have something to do with exactly HOW you "re-open the file"?
Sounds like you may be relying on some "last opened" feature or
something. I'd try explicitly opening the file as if it were something
that just arrived from Mars.