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Rich Koerner wrote in message ...
roger wrote:

Thank you to those few who provided some relevant information amongst
this torrent of bull****. Has anyone anctually used the EH 6550s in an
SVT? I've seen some good reports from the hi-fi guys.

ps I run an ampeg 410hlf most of the time and mic/di the amp when the
gig requires it.

It has been already stated by my hand on the keyboard, the 6550-WE is no GE-6550A, and
they won't hurt the SVT.

What short of BLESSING the polished turd, do you need.

After all, your bass amp defines the kind of bass player YOU are!!!!!!!!!!!!

People judge you by the sound of your bass.

Bands decide on what bass player they want in their band, the same way.

Gig are gotten, or lost by the sound of the band.

And, YOU *ARE* a part of that.

So, *You* want the opinions on what defines YOU as a bass player, to come from the stereo
boys, who listen to there music with their Class A Limited amps, they use for the
listening pleasure of recorded music, or another bass player who's been there and done it
all his life, playing in bands on the live music stage.

You've already had the advice of two or three bass players here, who gave their best
advice to you.

Here, look at the SVT on the bottom of this page.

That bass rig have been all over the world for six years.

And those tubes STILL put out a SOLID 300 watts on the bench, when it came in for a six
year checkup, and the bottom end was as STILL tight as the day I put them in.... six
years ago.

What tubes went into that thing,.... GE-6550A's..

THAT's just the way it is.

Will 6550-WE's give you six years of hard touring without a glitch.

There is a reason they are so cheap, and you can afford to replace them every year.

Good luck.

I'm sure you will figure it out.


Rich Koerner,
Time Electronics.

Specialists in Live Sound FOH Engineering,
Music & Studio Production,
Vintage Instruments, and Tube Amplifiers

What a ****** you are. Do you ever take your hand off your dick?