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Max Holubitsky
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Default Best reciever & cd-player combo for $500? $1000?

George Mann wrote:

"Max Holubitsky" wrote in
. ca:

A good vintage tube receiver/integrate with a cheap cd player and
cheap, efficient speakers will readily outperform any solid state
system within your budget!

A good tube amplifier can sound excellent, but I couldn't disagree
more about the cheap speakers part. Not to mention that a vintage
receiver is unlikely to be working 100% properly, and the original
poster is trying to replace worn out equipment - why replace worn out
equipment with more worn out equipment? Good speakers are the key to
good sound! Personally I think that the amp should be bought to suit
the speakers, and not the other way around.

Get a clue!

Why don't you give me one, and tell me what "cheap speakers", paired with a
reciever with leaky caps and worn out EL84's, will sound anywhere close to
as good as a pair of $500 decent quality speakers paired with, say, an
entry level Yamaha receiver.

An old receiver, unless it is a top notch Mac or Fisher, or Sansui or the
like won't even have decent enough output transformers to give good bass
response. Add to the cost of the receiver new tubes, new capacitors, and
the time it takes a tech to work on it, and I bet you have already passed
the $1000 mark before even considering the other stuff. You could tell me
that the tubes will be fine, but there is no way that I would use 30 year
old used output tubes of questionable origin in my main stereo system!

Then there's the problem of noisy and unavailable potentiometers, non
defeatable tone controls, possibly very expensive tubes (anything with
7591A's), etc etc.

Never mind the fact that cheap speakers will never have flat frequency
response, good bass response, or really any other characteristic that is
desierable for high fidelity sound.